We all like beautiful skin don't we? At what cost are you willing to have it? Animal testing is a controversial issue. Why is it necessary? Some say it is to ensure safety. Cosmetic and skin care products are tested before consumers buy and use it. Animal testing can include exposing animals to different substances to see if irritations develop. This may mean skin irritations, eye tearing or to see if the animals get sick.
Testing for drugs and pharmaceuticals is even more stringent and severe. Test animals are exposed to diseases and then treated to see how the 'new' drug performs. This includes the treatment and side effects. Also animals are examined after the treatment to record any internal cure or damage.
Are there other methods of testing besides testing on animals? YES! Some companies, have long established reliable, non-animal testing methods. These alternatives are permitted for cosmetic companies. Do your research and find out where to find them. I know that Mary Kay does NOT test on animals. For a list of companies that do /do not test check out The Leaping Bunny to find out more.
If there are reliable methods of testing without cruelty to animals then why aren't companies using them? Some businesses are concerned about their financial situations and maintaining jobs. Others are protecting themselves against liability.
If you buy products that test on animals, you are responsible for promoting that company. Use your prerogative to promote animal friendly products. There are various sites that list 'animal friendly' cosmetic companies. Testing on animals is cruel and unacceptable. Use your purchasing power, you as a consumer can send a message to companies that test on animals.
Please contact me at lkelland-may at live.ca (just replace 'at' with @) for information about this and other articles. Want more information about which companies do not test on animals, visit me at http://www.ottawaskincare.wordpress.com for more information!
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Laura_Kelland-May

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