Chemicals and Kids - Be Safe
We worry about our children taking drugs and the influence they have on our families. Well what about the hidden chemicals that our families and our children are exposed to every day. The reported November 6 that children are exposed to chemicals in domestic products such as rubber clogs and sun tan lotions. Doesn't this concern you?
One of the biggest concerns is the cumulative effect of the chemical phthalates, which is used as softeners in soap, rubber shoes and soft toys. The identifies this chemical as blocking the action of testosterone in the womb, also alleged to cause low sperm counts and high rates of testicular cancer. With those credentials why is it allowed around people and in particular children?
Chemicals have been shown to disrupt the normal growth in fetuses. A recent Denmark study has shown a significant increase in the rates of testicular cancer. The Danish study identifies predominantly oil based moisturizing creams and sunscreen for the appearance of the preservative Paraben. The Paraben have been identified as a hormone disrupter which poses a risk to children and fetuses.
We were worried about DDT, PCBs and other chemicals. Can Paraben be posing the same problems?
So what do we do. Paraben is a chemical used in cosmetics to preserve them. What alternatives are there?

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Im worried about kids and chemicals. I didn't realize there were so many in the market place.
I am so happy to see your post on such an important topic. It is my passion to spread awareness of the dangers the chemicals in everyday products pose to our precious children. Keep this type of information coming!
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