As an added bonus there will be reflection off of the snow which may even intensify the effect of the sun. Consider using a sunblock with a minimum SPF 15. Remember the lower the number the less protection is offered.
It is beneficial to use a sunblock all year round, not just in the summer time. And don't forget your lips. Use a SPF 15 on your lips to prevent chapped lips.
With winter on its way special skin care considerations are in order. Putting the moisture back in and keeping it there is of prime importance during the winter months. Keeping the moisture in your skin will reduce the harmful damaging effects of the drying winter winds.
Here are Six ways you can help keep your skin hydrated this winter:
1. Drink plenty of water . Hydrate your skin from the inside. Good ole H2O will replace moisture loss. Drink eight - 250ml (one cup) glasses of water per day to prevent dryness.
2. Choose mild soap and cleansers. Harsh soaps will strip the natural oils from your skin. Stick to milder cleansers. Choose the best soap or cleanser for your skin type. During dryer parts of the year switching to a less stringent cleanser is a consideration. If you are currently using a cleanser for an oily skin consider changing to a dry skin cleanser if you suffer from dry skin during the winter months.
3. Take short, warm showers . Long hot showers pull the natural oils from your skin leaving it dehydrated. As an added bonus taking shorter warm showers will help reduce your electricity bill.
4. Moisturize after your shower , and moisturize while your skin is still damp. This will 'lock in' the moisture that is on your skin preventing it from evaporating and also the moisturizer will provide additional hydration for your skin. It is important to use a moisturizer appropriate for your skin type. Elbows, knees, heels or other problem areas should receive special treatment to provide additional relief.
5. Invest in a humidifier . Generally dry winter conditions combined with central heating does double duty pulling the moisture from the air and, likewise, from your skin. The humidifier will keep more moisture in the air and thereby slow the natural daily moisture loss of your skin.
Invest in the future, protect your skin. You deserve it!
Laura Kelland-May lives in Ottawa Ontario and is very familiar with the drying effects of winter. Go to for more valuable skin care tips and hydrating products to protect your skin.
You can also contact Laura directly at lkelland-may @ (remove the spaces) if you have any questions.

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