Thursday, November 24, 2011

Skin Care - 3 Tips for Winter Skin Care

Dry Air and Cold Temperatures Can Pull Valuable Moisture from Your Skin
Skin care during the winter months is of particular importance. Dry air and cold temperatures can pull valuable moisture from your skin. One popular skin care tip toted by skin care gurus is to drink lots of water. To moisturize your skin from the inside.

Popular skin care professionals suggest:
  1. The KISS principal - that is Keep it Simple Stupid principal of skin care. this means following the 3 steps of skin care. Cleanse, tone and moisturize. Following these 3 simple steps provides the primary fundamental regime to a clear complexion.
  2. Perform skin care at night. Moisturizing and hydrating your skin should be done in the evening. While we sleep our skin is healing itself. It is important to cleanse, tone and moisturize but even more important to take special care during your evening regime before bed. Using a moisturizer that contains vitamin A and Vitamin C during the evening will allow your skin to repair itself during the evening. 
  3. Skip the Makeup Remover. Rather than using a cotton swab and, usually, alcohol based make up remover use a skin cleanser that can remove any make up and foundation. Make up remove can strip your skin of natural oils. Consider using glycerine based cleansers that will clean and remove make up but not strip your skin of it's natural oils.

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